Community Service at McDougall
McDougall United Church has a proud tradition and a long history of community outreach in the City of Edmonton. Today, we continue that same spirit of generosity to our sisters and brothers in the wider community with helping hands and caring hearts.
Our Initiatives and Community Partners

1st Sunday of the Month
Benevolent Fund
The first Sunday of the month is an opportunity for McDougall’s congregation to support the Benevolent Fund with an extra donation following the service. The Fund is available at the minister’s discretion for those who come to our door seeking special assistance.

Throughout the Year
Bissell Centre
McDougall supports this historic inner city agency throughout the year in many ways with donations of food, clothing and money through special projects.
- Christmas donations of warm woollies and other supplies are supplied from the Mitten Tree.
- Throughout the year, monetary donations are received to support this ministry.

Throughout the Year
e4c is a charitable human services organization providing a diverse range of services in the inner city and beyond.
McDougall Church was instrumental in the formation of Edmonton City Centre Church Corporation, now known as e4c, and in 1970 was one of the five founding denominational churches in the downtown area. Over the years, this non-profit organization has evolved into a multi-million dollar endeavour encompassing numerous programs:
- Nutritional services
- Early Learning Services
- Emergency and Transitional Services
- Affordable Housing and Mental Health Services
- Child and Youth Services
- Collaboration/Joint Services
McDougall Church strives to have representation on their Board, at their Annual General Meetings.
Visit e4c online

Inner City Pastoral Ministry
McDougall Church takes a turn in providing Sunday lunch once a year for 200-250 inner city residents following the ICPM worship service for the Community of Emmanuel at
the Bissell Centre.
We continue to find ways to support this street “ministry of presence” through financial donations, and special or seasonal needs.

Congregational Donations
Mission & Service Fund
This national fund of the United Church of Canada distributes about $30 million dollars annually in support of our worship life, our national and global mission partners, our justice and peace advocacy, and our efforts to care for the environment.
The United Church works with partners in Canada and around the world who alert the national church to local needs; tell us how best to serve; and deliver the assistance we
offer. In an emergency, in development work, and for long-term commitment, the United Church is there making a difference through the M & S Fund.
McDougall Church supports the Mission and Service Fund through congregational donations.

Christmas Season Appeal
No Room at the Inn
No Room In the Inn is an annual appeal to Edmonton area churches to help provide safe and affordable housing for those who are homeless in our city.
No Room In the Inn invites congregations and parishes to donate part of their Christmas Eve offering to the campaign. Funds are delivered to a different housing project each year selected by a committee from the Edmonton and District Council of Churches.
McDougall United Church has joined dozens of congregations at Christmas over the years, from many denominations, to raise over $1 million dollars for projects aimed at providing safe and affordable housing for those who are in greatest need.